Galería 64 participa en el prestigioso concurso internacional de lensculture "Portraits" con una imagen tomada en un colegio durante la festividad de la Semana Santa Sevillana.
"Nuestros Premios Portrait pretenden descubrir lo mejor y más interesante de la fotografía de retrato de todo el mundo. Estamos ansiosos por ver puntos de vista innovadores y trabajos tradicionales de calidad. Nuestro objetivo es descubrir el nuevo retrato fotográfico del siglo XXI".
The great portrait photographer Richard Avedon once said, “Faces are the ledgers of our experience.” Perhaps this is why portraits are captivating to so many people—the depth and complexity of a great portrait will always spark curiosity and interest even in people from dramatically different circumstances. Fundamentally, we want to share life’s experiences, and we often gauge ourselves by our view of others.
For our fifth annual Portrait Awards, we reached out to photographers in 14 languages worldwide and gathered an international jury of eight photography experts to discover fresh, exciting, and timeless approaches to the photographic portrait. Now, we’re delighted to present outstanding work by 39 talented photographers from five continents—an inspiring and diverse array of the best contemporary portraiture from around the globe